Monday, December 08, 2008

Christmas Blocks

I've noticed that in the past bunch of years that I'm becoming more and more Scrooge-Like. Bah, humbug, I don't want to bother with any of it--decorating, the tree, baking. I'm still into giving presents--I love to do that, but all the rest seems like way too much trouble for what it's worth.

Well, anyway, today I stayed home and got a lot done. I wrapped presents, ordered some presents, cleaned the house (I even finally got motivated to put the storm windows on the storm doors--after all, it was 2 degrees this morning--thought it was about time) and then I even went so far as to put a few decorations out.

I found these blocks at a great little gift shop last year and couldn't resist. I love wooden blocks and am sad that kids don't play with them anymore. So in an effort to take a step back in time, I display these on my mantle.

So, ignore my Scrooge-ness, remember the Reason for the Season (Jesus' birth) and Merry Christmas to you all.


trishalyn said...

LOVE IT!!! Beautiful Christmas image, Linda. I love the blocks and how they are arranged...I love the stone background...I just plain love it! My only complaint is it's too I clicked on it to enjoy the large image. I've been feeling like you, too, regarding the decorating, the tree, the all seems like a lot of bother, but I do so enjoy seeing someone else's home decorated for the holidays! :-)

Framing Images and Memories said...

Nice image Linda. Like Trish, I like the way you arranged the blocks...imperfect as the blocks may stand, the message is perfect!
Remember 88.2 on the radio..x-mas will help :)

Bridget said...

your day doesn't sound the least bit scroogelike.
your image is anything but.
nice job.