Saturday, December 06, 2008

Encounter of the Windy Kind

This afternoon I was in Target shopping, when I decided to use the facilities. Well!!! I was just about blown away when I used the hand dryer. Remember when Trish did her post about the hand dryer practically blowing her away? Well, now I understand. The skin on my hands was rippling... Very funny.

Earlier today I went to church with several other people to decorate for the Christmas season. So here's another picture of another (several) tree with another set of lights. The picture doesn't really do it justice.

Backing up a little, last night I went to bookgroup. There was an awesome cat there. He was so lovable and friendly. But while we were standing around talking, before bookgroup actually began, he decided he would show off his skill of drinking out of the fishbowl. It was very comical. He didn't even try to get the fish--and the fish stayed well out of his way (at least as much as the limited space in the fishbowl would allow)--by staying as close to the bottom as possible.

So not only was bookgroup great, as usual, but we were well entertained by the cat.


Bridget said...

the cat shot is terrific!
also pretty trees.
(i can't wait to go to target:)

J.L.Velez said...

I love the cat, that is classic! Can't believe he wasn't trying to get the fish:)

trishalyn said...

I've used that hand dryer at Target. If you think THAT one is strong, you should use the one in Pennsylvania! :-) Lovely Christmas trees (keep them coming!)...and the cat photo was really funny! Enjoyed the story behind it, too.

Framing Images and Memories said...

Cats are strange, aren't they? You should see my sister's cats walking around in the same room that two parrots are chasing them on the floor! Great pics!