Thursday, December 11, 2008

What's Taking So Long

When I got to work this morning I took my camera out and left it on the desk in the hopes that I'd pick it up and photograph something. No such luck--things just got more and more crazy at work and then the snow started piling up on the roads and the terror of driving home on icky roads began taking over. So no photographs!

When I got home (I hitched a ride with my son who drives a nice, safe Saab, and left the car I'm using--a Caravan--which by the way, I consider to be a death trap on snowy roads--in the driveway at church) I was very relieved, but I got busy doing some things and completely forgot about taking any photos. I'm not at all motivated to take photos of snow.

Then while working on the computer my husband turned on the tv news, and oh,,,my,,,gosh,,,am I depressed now. On top of snow outside, which alone is enough to depress me on my best day, and the weather report of all the bad weather everywhere (it seems), one unhappy story after another was being told. Did I get up and leave the room? No. I thought about it, but I was working on the photo club newsletter, and didn't want to stop in the middle of it. So I tried not to listen.

In addition to that, it gets dark at 5, probably 4:30 today. And the first day of winter hasn't even arrived yet! Sigh.

Well, some happy thoughts. Three of my photography buddies will probably have a snow day tomorrow--I'm glad for them. I have absolutely no obligations tomorrow, so driving in this mess isn't even a consideration. My daughter doesn't have to go driving tomorrow either, so I know she'll be safe. God is in His heaven and is still on His Throne, and that's probably the best of the news. We are all safe, warm and healthy. It just keeps getting better, doesn't it?

But!!! I still haven't taken today's photo. Aaargh! What's taking so long?

Okay, it's an hour later and after strolling around the house aimlessly looking for a subject, I decided to show you the next book we're reading for Bookgroup. I'll let you know how it is when I finish it.

1 comment:

trishalyn said...

Gee, Linda, for a second I thought you weren't going to make it! Looks like a good book. I love to read, just wish I could find more time for it. Looking forward to your critique of "Wicked"...enjoy your day!